Servin 702 Shaved Ice

Company Summary

Servin702 Shaved Ice will be known for selling shave ice topped with over 20 different tropical flavored syrups to a wide range of customers along the locations where we intend positioning our shave ice mobile truck. Other products will include a variety of soft drinks and water.
servin702shavedice.comShave ice has been around for many years, beginning in Asia, then becoming popular in Hawaii. People would shave ice by hand, creating a cold, flaky snow. Then they'd top it with fruit juices to create a refreshing treat. Something this good couldn't remain a secret. In recent years, the taste for shave ice has spread all over the world.

The main ingredients are water, sugar, and flavoring. This means people who are lactose intolerant can also enjoy a frozen treat on a hot summer’s day. Shave ice is the hottest thing since frozen yogurt! The ice industry is heating up rapidly and shows no sign of cooling.

Shaved Ice

Remember the Japan thing? Let's revisit that. The Japanese were doing something similar as the Romans with the snow-gathering and the fruit-flavoring, and when they migrated to Hawaii, they started what is known as Hawaiian Shave Ice. No, that is not a typo, it's shaved ice without the "d". Essentially, it's the same as shaved ice - ice shaved by a blade, but it does have it's differences. Sometimes with shave ice, they add condensed milk, azuki beans or a scoop of ice cream at the bottom. This kind of shaved ice is mostly found in Hawaii, due to it's history.

Ah, shaved ice - one of the finer delicacies in life. The origins of shaved ice go all the way back to Roman Emperor Nero in 27 B.C. Dang, that’s a long time ago! Nero sent his worker bees to the nearby mountains to collect snow, that he then brought back to flavor with a fruit and honey mixture. Who knew, right? The same thing was happening in Japan, but we’ll get to that in a bit.

Shaved ice is ice that is finely shaved through a blade. It’s not chunks of ice. It’s not crushed ice. It’s not an icee or a slushie. It’s, simply put, ice that is shaved - imagine that. I know we’re really delving into some critical thinking here, but bear with me. The shaved ice allows for the delicious flavoring to really soak in and give it the best consistency around. Not too compact, not too fluffy - in the words of Goldilocks, JUST RIGHT.

Now shaved ice can be called all sorts of different things and there are some variances due to either how it’s prepared or what region it hails from. Who knew there was so much to know about shaved ice, right?
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